Welcome to your Regional Page
Your Regional Director is: Jay Crawford – jaycrawford231@gmail.com
Your Alternate Director is: Scott Crawford
Country | Active Memebers | Roles |
United States | Jay Crawford | Regional Director |
United States | Scott Crawford | Alternate Director |
2024 – 158th Scottish Highland Gathering and Games – Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, Ca.
Labor Day Weekend (August 31-September 1), 2024 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA Once again the Caledonian Club of San Francisco will be hosting a Scottish Highland Gathering and Games. This year marks their 158 gathering and games which began in 1866. A few minutes ago I registered the Clan Crawford Association to be a part of the Glen of the Clans. We will have a 20′ X 10′ space in the glen so come on by to get out of the sun, sit, rest and visit. Information may be obtained at https://thescottishgames.com/ .
REPORT on the 157 SCOTTISH HIGHLAND GATHERING AND GAMES which occurred on September 2 and 3, 2023 at the fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Alameda County, California. This event was sponsored by the Caledonian Club of San Francisco. Information may be obtained at https://thescottishgames.com/ The Clan Crawford Association set up a tent in the Glen of Clans. Cristie Crawford, Lois Crawford Alger and Jay Crawford represented the Clan Crawford Association at the tent.

The Caledonian Club of San Francisco was founded in 1866 and has been hosting the Scottish Games for 157 years. Their mission is to:
“The Caledonian Club of San Francisco is formed for the purpose of perpetuating the ancient customs, costumes and games of Scotland, and the encouragement and diffusion of Scottish literature, music and arts.”
The annual games held at the Alameda County Fair Grounds in Pleasanton fulfills that objective each year and is a gathering that the Clan Crawford Association has attended for years.
Lois, Cristie and I arrived on Friday, September 1, drove onto the fairgrounds, and began setting up. The Caledonian Club had the clan area set aside right across from the grandstands on a beautiful lawn. We were graced with mild weather measuring a balmy 75 degrees with very little wind. Set up was a breeze with members from other clans pitching in and helping each other.

Saturday the gates opened at 8:00 AM and we were kept busy all day long with visitors from families of Crawfords, members from other clans and old friends who were there just to enjoy the gathering, the food and view the products from the various vendors. The knight that graced the front of out tent was a favorite spot for child’s photographs.
We also introduced children’s masks to our booth so they could dress up as knights as well as activity books so that they had something to do during their rides home. The books included coloring pages, word searches, mazes, and a design your own coat of arms page. Each child got a small box of crayons as well. These were all free to visitors.

It sure felt great to see so many Crawfords wearing the clan tartan while strolling through the fair. They helped with fleshing out our contingent for the march of the clans.

We encouraged our visitors to consider sharing stories of family traditions and recipes for a project we called Longus Legacies. It occurred to us that our reference books and stories often focus on ancient times, yet we are a living breathing family and such families constantly have new experiences that are fun to share in story form so we are trying to capture those that people are willing to share. We will see how this project goes.
All too soon it was time for the closing ceremony. The Master of Ceremonies informed us that 22 pipes and drums bands were present at the games with more than 500 musicians performing. “Scotland the Brave” was magnificent and “Amazing Grace” was solemn as well as inspiring.
Every time I attend the games, I leave feeling good. Good that I met such wonderful people. Good that I reconnected with such wonderful friends. Good that we have such an inspiring heritage that stems from such an interesting culture and satisfied that the story is not over, there is so much more to come for us and for Scotland.
For further info on our tent or suggestions as to what you would like to see and do next year please email jaycrawford231@gmail.com.

Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 W. Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA. October 14-15, 2023, https://www.seasidehighlandgames.org/
The games include British Cars, a Children’s Glen, Clan Row, Harpers Glen, Live music including bagpipes, drums and fiddles, Scottish Dancing, Sheep Herding, Vendors and, or course, athletic competition.
Should be fun.